There are various species of Giraffes in the world with various physical traits that distinguish them. Despite these differences, through research, it has been found out that they all belonged to one main species but through evolution in different geographical regions, these differences have therefore emerged. The funny thing about giraffes is that they are the only animals that are born with horns at birth. In Kenya there are mostly three kinds of species found though they are so similar making it hard for the common eye to spot the difference.
Maasai Giraffe or Kilimanjaro Giraffe As the name suggests is found in central and southern Kenya and Tanzania. It is unique with its jagged-edged, vine-leaf shaped spots of dark chocolate on a yellowish background.
Rothschild Giraffe or Baringo Giraffe or Ugandan Giraffe has deep brown, blotched or rectangular spots with poorly defined cream lines. Hocks may be spotted. It is found in Uganda and northern Kenya.
Reticulated Giraffe or Somali Giraffe has large, polygonal liver-colored spots outlined by a network of bright white lines. The blocks may sometimes appear deep red and may also cover the legs. It is found in northeastern Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia.
The next one is the Angolan Giraffe or Smoky Giraffe which is characteristic of large spots and some notches around the edges, extending down the entire lower leg and is found mostly in Angola, Zambia.
The rest of the species are in southern Africa and they include the South Africa Giraffe, the Rhodesian Giraffe, the Nubian Giraffe, the Kordofan Giraffe and the Nigerian Giraffe.


Nubian Giraffe [Hiddener 不是熱點遊]
 Nubian giraffe

giraffe image
                                                       Reticulated Giraffe
 Angolan giraffe

 Kordofan giraffe
Masai giraffe
 Rothschild giraffe

South African giraffe

 Rhodesian giraffe
 West African giraffe